Stipend Request
Completing this form does not guarantee a stipend. KCPEC Staff will review your eligibility and get back to you on your eligibility and next steps.
KCPEC frequently provides stipends to participants of our activities to ensure equitable compensation for providing valuable time, expertise, and input. These stipends provide financial support to organizations to increase their capacity to engage in shared work and attend meetings. As we center communities, especially communities of color, we ensure we are not extracting from community members without compensation.
Stipends to organizations are unrestricted and go to the organization's general operating budget, so it can be used however the organization wants. See below for the different types of stipends. To be eligible for an organizational stipend, organizations must:
Serve youth or advance systems change for youth up to age 24 who are the furthest from play equity
Commit and participate in 70% of the designated activity
Be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)(3) focused on impacting communities in King County
Annual Operating Budget under 750K or Staff Team of 15 or less
As Coalition funds are limited, the Coalition prioritizes organizations that are led by Black, Indigenous, People of color (50% of Board and Executive Team) and/or serve 50% or more of youth from historically underserved populations including:
Youth in poverty
BIPOC youth
Refugee and/or immigrant youth
Youth experiencing homelessness
Youth in foster care
Youth involved in the criminal justice system
Youth with disabilities including physical, developmental, and cognitive