Physical Activity and Organized Sport Among Girls

Barriers for girls specifically include lack of time, less confidence in physical abilities, and limited visibility of inspiring female athletes. There is abundant research about physical activity and organized sport participation among female youth, especially because their physical activity rates consistently decline with age.  State of Play: Seattle-King County found that while males and females participate…Continue reading Physical Activity and Organized Sport Among Girls

Nature Contact as a Means to Health and Physical Activity

Spending time outside is good for everyone. State of Play: Seattle-King County examined youth physical activity across many sectors, including organized sport, outdoor recreation, as well as free play at parks. This allowed us to understand the ways that physical activity overlaps with nature contact, and the role that park access plays in both of these critical…Continue reading Nature Contact as a Means to Health and Physical Activity

The Pivotal but Difficult Role of Schools in Youth Physical Activity

For many youth, school provides an equitable access point for regular physical activity (PA), especially as economic and other concerns prevent parents from being able to enroll their children in private physical activity programs. Research supports the large influence schools have on promoting and improving youth PA, namely due to the significant amount of time…Continue reading The Pivotal but Difficult Role of Schools in Youth Physical Activity

Can Screens and Physical Activity Co-Exist?

State of Play: Seattle-King County revealed that screen usage is only one factor contributing to low rates of physical activity in King County youth. Lack of adequate infrastructure alongside culturally and economically exclusive programming form the backbone of barriers to participation.  Even so, data from our survey of over 1,000 King County youth showed strong relationships…Continue reading Can Screens and Physical Activity Co-Exist?


AN ANALYSIS OF YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN SPORT, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND OUTDOOR RECREATION IN KING COUNTY State of Play: Seattle-King County is a comprehensive, descriptive landscape analysis of regional trends, patterns, barriers and opportunities related to youth participation in sport, physical activity, and outdoor recreation. Guided by a national framework created by the Aspen Institute, State of Play:…Continue reading STATE OF PLAY REPORT: SEATTLE-KING COUNTY